
Smith & Associates was engaged to defend Zero International, Inc., a New York-based company, in a complex legal battle against Hardwire LLC. The case, Hardwire LLC v. Zero International, Inc., was filed in multiple jurisdictions, including Federal Court in Maryland and later in Delaware State Court, which was removed to Federal Court in Delaware (C.A. No. 1:14-cv-0054-LPS).

The Challenge

Hardwire LLC initiated the lawsuit to force Zero International to defend itself in Delaware, leveraging a forum selection clause buried in the fine print of a purchase order. Zero International was resolute in its defense, asserting that its products met the highest standards in fire safety applications and that the lawsuit was unjustified.

Legal Strategy and Execution

Smith & Associates, led by E. David Smith, mounted a vigorous defense against Hardwire’s claims. The strategy included:

  • Blocking Initial Complaints: Successfully blocking Hardwire’s initial complaint in Federal Court in Maryland.
  • Challenging Forum Selection Clause: Contesting the forum selection clause in Delaware State Court, which was a critical aspect of the plaintiff’s strategy.
  • Removal to Federal Court: Removing the case to Federal Court in Delaware, ensuring a more favorable jurisdiction for Zero International.

The legal team also focused on the following:

  • Motion to Dismiss: Filing a motion to dismiss the case based on procedural and substantive grounds, challenging the validity of the forum selection clause.
  • Objections to Magistrate’s Report: While the motion to dismiss was pending, Zero International’s objections to the Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation were prepared, emphasizing the improper application of the forum selection clause.


The case was settled at the motion to dismiss stage, resulting in an exceptionally favorable outcome for Zero International. Not only did the settlement avoid prolonged litigation, but it also resulted in a payment from Hardwire to Zero International, an unusual and advantageous resolution for the defendant.

Key Lessons and Insights

E. David Smith highlighted several important lessons for corporate and business clients:

  1. Reject Onerous Boilerplate Terms: Explicitly reject contract language with onerous terms in fine print to avoid being forced into distant courts and unfavorable legal battles.
  2. Clear Contractual References: Ensure that email references and abbreviated terms are clearly defined to prevent future disputes over contract terms.
  3. Strategic Litigation Decisions: Contrary to common misconceptions, objecting to a magistrate’s report and recommendations can be in the best interest of the client. Doing what is right strategically can earn the respect of the court and lead to favorable outcomes.

Client Testimonial

Elias Wexler, President of Zero International, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome: 

“Our products are unmatched in quality, and this case has proven that again. We are pleased that the plaintiff made a payment to our company, affirming the high standards we maintain. Smith & Associates provided exceptional legal support and strategic advice throughout the case.”


Smith & Associates demonstrated exceptional legal acumen and strategic prowess in handling the Hardwire LLC v. Zero International, Inc. case. The successful resolution not only vindicated Zero International but also reinforced the importance of proactive and strategic legal defense in complex commercial litigation. The case stands as a testament to the firm’s commitment to protecting its clients’ interests and achieving outstanding results in challenging legal battles.