A short while ago I wrote to you about the urgent need to stop the CDC ban on air travel to the US without proving your health. In that letter, I warned that if not stopped the CDC will go on to ban domestic travel without proof of health.
That’s already in the works. On January 28, 2021, the NY Post reported that President “Biden eyeing Covid-19 test mandate for domestic flights.” The international flight mandate only went into effect two days earlier.
When the White House says it’s “under discussion” or “being eyed”, they really mean, it’s been decided but they want to break the news to the public slowly.
That makes the need to stop the CDC that much more urgent. It’s not some far off idea that you won’t be able to travel in the United States of America without proving your “health” to the satisfaction of the public health authorities.
And given that public health information drips are already floating the decade long fight against COVID-19, don’t expect the travel mandates to be temporary. Any illusion that “it’s almost over” is misinformation to string you along.
To know where the CDC is headed, look at Canada, which is one step ahead of the USA in the development of ‘health’ tyranny, für ihre sicherheit. All incoming flights can only land in 4 airports, travelers must test negative before boarding the plane and _test again_ on arrival in Canada, must quarantine in a approved hotel at the traveler’s own expense (estimated to exceed $2000) pending the results and if they test positive they will be removed to _a designated government facility_. These are the words of the Prime Minister of Canada.
We can stop the CDC but we need to act. Click here now to make your tax-deductible contribution today.
**Will you help?**
We can’t do it without you.
So please consider giving $100… $250… $500… or $1,000 or more if you can do so.
Smaller gifts are also welcome, because “we’re all in this together” (to borrow a popular phrase).
**G-d does not want us to become slaves to a Medical Tyranny – but that’s where we’re headed if we don’t succeed in fighting the CDC at this crucial time.**
I thank you, in advance, for whatever you can give toward this worthy cause.
I will keep you updated on our progress, and I know you’ll be glad you made the decision to help.
_May G-d bless you for your unselfish charity in this time of impending disaster._
With blessings to you and your family,
E. David Smith, Esq.
Click here now to make your tax-deductible contribution today.
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